This is the beginning of a journey.
I am writing a blog to hopefully help anyone who is a first time parent, a new parent or a parent who just needs a positive read in their new life – I am guessing if you are reading this then you are either a new parent or are just about to become one.
Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Samantha Anderson and I am a qualified Mother Craft Nurse. I have been caring for infants/babies and young children for over 26 years however I specialise in the care of infants 0-16 weeks. I am also a mother of a little boy, six, who doesn’t stop. I am yet to find where his battery pack is! I love being a mum and believe that every day with him in my life is a gift. I’m a very lucky woman.
I provide support, guidance and education to parents of newborns (0-16 weeks). I began this journey because I was constantly having to ‘fix’ sleep habits for babies 10 to 15 months of age or older depending on how long their mums and dads could survive without sleep. The experience is extremely exhausting and stressful for everyone involved so I decided to change that before the family unit fell apart. By assisting parents and educating them about their new born I help with the transition into parenthood - it isn't easy but we can make it easier for you.
I have decided to write this blog so parents have a ‘go to’ point, that will help answer questions and have some handy tips along the way. I hope you like it. Please feel free to give feed back, ask any questions you like or ask for advice on a certain topic. I’m all up for helping, learning, improving and listening.
If you would like to connect with me please do so on the Babylogic Facebook page… here is the link